The ambition of the Dutch government to develop up to 75 GW offshore wind capacity by 2050 in order to cope with climate change and supply security. Such rapid increase in offshore wind production poses major challenges to the transportation system.
In targeting these challenges, the DOSTA project (full title: Developing Offshore Storage and Transport Alternatives) examines, from a multidisciplinary perspective, offshore energy storage options (electricity pumped storage and conversion to hydrogen) and alternative methods to transport electricity and/or hydrogen to shore and their feasibility for implementation in the Dutch part of the North Sea. The project started in September 2020 and will run for at least four years.
Find the final report of the DOSTA project here!

To this end the project focuses on four research topics:
Multiscale physics-based models of novel pumped-hydro offshore storage technology
Optimal sizing and operation of offshore infrastructure for wind farms coupled to hydrogen production, storage and transport
A legal design for new offshore storage and transport infrastructure
Marine spatial planning, environmental impact and locational choice

Faculty of law
Postbus 716
9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
© 2023 DOSTA
The project DOSTA with project number (WIND.2019.002) of the NWO research programme PhD@Sea is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).”